Friday, November 16, 2007

Silly Pasta

I do not want to turn this space into a cookery blog, but can’t help it; because that’s the only exciting thing I believe am doing these days. Most of my friends visit this blog anticipating amorous erotic content & my sexcapades, but I cannot publish them here, since I have such an iconic image among children, you know…

Last evening was another milestone in my cooking career. It is no myth that a child learns more, when he explores on his own. I have been exemplifying the truth of the adage lately. I tried to blend two distinct cultures together totally oblivious of the result. It didn’t come out bad anyway and so I named this Indo-Italian creation as the “Pasta ki sabzi”.

In reality, the venture began a week ago, because of a case of mistaken identity. The packet of Pasta looked exactly like a packet of “fryams” or whatever that is called; they are hollow pipe shaped things & you fry them. And I did exactly the same, only to realize it tasted like wood. I recognized this err only a few days later, when I was criticizing the Hispanic food in front of a few colleagues, who made me aware that you are supposed to read the label before buying anything. The label clearly read “Italian pasta” in bold, only to turn me into a laughing stock for them. But as the saying goes, “mistakes lead to success”, I had to do something, coz I could not throw away the packet; it cost 3 USDs and that’s like 120 rupees…one month’s newspaper bill !!! And this spirit encouraged me to go for it.

So, from the entire episode, I learned an important lesson. Always read & understand the label on the packet before buying. This applies to humans too. Innocent looking damsels can actually be bitchy whores; so know them well before picking…..errrr…I had to derive the moral rationally… bad at that though….its a tip of sloungue…you see….